Our History
Back in the 1950s, Cleo and Martha Melkovitz started this fish farm in central Arkansas' Keo, the ponds held minnows. The operation centered around very large ponds — 80 acres, 100 acres. The philosophy then was to raise the minnows for a year or two, drain the ponds and then plant rice or soybeans.
Keo Fish Farms, Inc., as we know it today is a corporation that was reborn in 1986 with Martha Melkovitz and Mike Freeze. The operation has two primary crops. The first primary crop is hybrid striped bass — Keo Fish Farm is the largest producer of this fish in the world with 100 million to 120 million fry being spawned annually. The second primary crop is genetically engineered triploid grass carp. Keo Fish farm is one of the top 3 largest producers of triploid grass carp in the USA.
David Bennett. “Keo Farm specializes in fingerlings.” Farm Progress, informamarkets, Prepare the farm’s future leader (farmprogress.com). Nov 14, 2003

Timeline that shaped Keo Fish Farms