Seth Summerside
Seth is an experienced leader with a history of working in agriculture and the food production industry.
Seth was appointed by Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson to the Arkansas Agriculture Board in 2022 to serve a two year term. Skilled in supply chain, production planning, innovation process, marketing management, consumer products, retail, foodservice, pricing strategy, and market research. Strong business professional with an Executive MBA from the University of Arkansas – Sam M. Walton College of Business.
Seth was encouraged to entertain joining the family farm by Coach John McDonnell, Seth's former track coach at the University of Arkansas. Coach McDonnell said, "you can always go back to business but can't always go back to the family farm." Coach McDonnell was a rancher during his lifetime.
Seth Summerside married Kelly Freeze in 2012 in Fayetteville Arkansas. They both have one son together named Julian.

Summerside Family Keo, AR